I am from: the north-east of England, though I've lived in Wales since 1993. I also spent four years in New Zealand, during the 1970's.

Birthday: March 20: Piscean through and through.

Marital status: married, since 1983.

Family: husband P, daughter L.

My animal companions: I have two cats: Ollie and Luna. We've always had cats and as we have a habit of adopting strays. Sadly, we have a cat graveyard in our garden. But we love them all.

My Adage: it's all uphill from here on in!

What you'll find on my bookshelf . . . I read all sorts of things. You'll find the Chalet School series, science fiction and fantasy, historical, romance, horror, classics and murder mysteries, plus a smattering of "contemporary" novels. But not many of those as I prefer fintage fiction. I also love poetry and I'll even admit to liking comics. I collect old girls' school stories by authors such as Elinor Brent Dyer and Elsie J Oxenham.

In my spare time I like to . . . Well, what else? Websites of course! My first site was built, oh, it must have been 1996 and it was hosted by our isp. Since then I have built lots of sites for myself and I now have a lot domains and sites. I use notepad for all my sites and I make my own graphics, using PaintShopPro.
I also like reading, music, TV and walking. Though I cannot do too much of that now due to an old knee injury, which means I have to walk with a stick.

The one person I'd like to spend an hour with: I may be a Pagan, but I greatly admire Joan of Arc. I would love to talk to her, find out what really went on.

My dreams and aspirations. . . The young would be surprised to know that age does not mean that one gives up dreaming. I would still like to be a published author; after all, Mary Webb did not really begin writing until she was over 60. But I have a constant battle with depression and lack of self-esteem which means that is one dream I am not really likely to fulfill.
I would like to learn to know the Goddess more and work on achieving more of a spiritual balance. Since I became a Pagan, that has become more important to me than before. I feel I have truly found what and where I was meant to be. Which also came about when we moved to Wales. I've always loved Wales and felt it was my spiritual home. If I had one wish it would be: to visit Russia. It has always fascinated me.

Words I live by: I love the quote from a song by the German band, Enigma, "man is the dream of the dolphin". But I do try to live by the maxim, "do as you would be done by".

Personal challenges I face: the aforementioned depression and problem knee. I also have arthritis and that knee is causing me some concern. I also have diabetes, a cataract, tinnitus, Meniere's, and Asperger's. Just for fun!