The Harmony of Souls webgroup was a friendly place, for men and women of all faiths, and none. I joined the group with my original "Rhapsody", at ivillage. Their creed was:

We Believe . . .
. . . in acceptance
of each other,
of all our nations
Your beliefs and mine,
your color and mine
Your Deity and mine,
God or Goddess . . . or none.

. . . in personal peace
Respect for each other,
forgiveness for each other
Help for each other,
caring for each other
Comfort for each other,
healing for each other.

. . . in our freedom and rights
Our right to aspire,
our freedom to choose
Our right to disagree,
our right to be different
our freedom to be alone,
our right to join.

Art © Josephine Wall.

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