september 17 2024: I've won my first award for this site! Thank you Dana! I thought that no one made and gave awards anymore. Hmmm, maybe I should make some, perhaps in my main websites, Serennau and Eunice's Realm.
august 4 2024: I added Things That Make Me Happy, and a page about my other sites. I also decided to upload the spirit pages I made when Rhapsody was entered into web competitions. I think I may write something about that too.
september 25 2023: I decided to change the look of the site for autumn, my favourite season! I also changed the guestbook background, and added the Harmony of Souls page.
april 17 2022: I found my old iVillage Rhapsody site on the internet archive. So I'm adding bits of it here!
april 16 2022: Doing some springcleaning!